Sunday, June 13, 2010

TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it windows 7

I was trying to establish a TCP connection to consume a WCF service(Windows 7, IIS 7). I was getting the below error:

TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively
refused it windows 7

I couldn't find much help over the internet. I didn't find the net.tcp option in IIS for Default website.

I resolved this issue by Turning the Windows Feature on (Start -> Control Panel-> Programs->Programs and features-> Turn windows feature on or off) -> Windows Communication Foundation Non-Http Activation


Anonymous said...

Thanks. Solved my problem.

Anonymous said...

Thank you
This helped to resolve a similar issue

mithun said...


If still the issue not solved, go to services and start Net.tcp listner

Anonymous said...

I am running WCF service for chat application. My PNRP service is running and also enabled 2 services you mentioned, Still I am getting TCP error 10061 : Target machine actively refused..

I am Stuck, dont find any help on internet.



Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a fix for this for the last couple of days. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

it dint work :(

Unknown said...

Thank u so much..

Anonymous said...

Thanks you so much ! I worked :)

pieczara said...

Thanks. It works.

Anonymous said...

Great. It worked.

Unknown said...

Well this does not work for Windows 10.

Anonymous said...

Perfecto! Funcionó para Win10 también!

Kumar said...

Hi Ajith,

I'm running into Error code: 10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it windows 10"

i followed your instructions but no luck.

My running service and client on the same dev machine for testing.
This is how my endpoint looks like

install self signed ssl for port 9999

Any help is appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Thank you it dont work